
Erasmus Accreditation (EN)

Erasmusaccreditatie (NL)

Bezoek van Schepen Natacha Waldmann

Interview Wiesbadener Jugendwerkstatt gGmbh


SBSO Ter Zee goes Europe

BUSO Aan Zee Erasmus logo

Just in time for Christmas, SBSO Ter Zee was notified about the acceptance of our application for EU Erasmus+ accreditation.

This achievement marks an important step towards an internationalisation of our education concept. It shows the support by the European Union to help implementing programs like student internship or teacher exchanges at organisations in other EU countries.

The accreditation offers simplified access to EU funds for the related activities.

In a first step towards the larger goal, SBSO Ter Zee is planning an Internship for our “Qualification Class Welders” at a partner organisation in Wiesbaden Germany. The other study sections (hairdresser’s assistants, painters and decorators, retail assistants, catering assistants) are planned to follow subsequently. Shadowing and other training measures across Europe for our teaching staff will be part of this programme.

For the regular planning and follow-up, an Erasmus+ Committee will be implemented at SBSO Ter Zee; not only to organise the individual activities but also to coordinate the regular communication about the further achievements.

Contact for further details are:

Ann Van Riet, Directeur SBSO Ter Zee

Michèle Van Beirs, Erasmus Coordinator SBSO Ter Zee